Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fall is on it's way

It is hard to believe that tomorrow is the first day of fall. It is starting to cool down a little bit but when it decides to rain it is still very humid.
I have been very busy working on samples for The Quilted Lily. That is the quilt store that I go to twice a week just to get out of the house and I also teach class there occasionally.
I'm so looking forward to Thanksgiving. I am going to go to visit my kids and friends the last 2 weeks of November. I think I might have Michael talked into flying up after me and staying a week. I will be cooking dinner at Parnelli's house and then probably doing the following day at Mario's for left overs. I'm sure that it will be very cold (at least to me) while I am there. The last time I was there 6 years ago for Thanksgiving it was snowing.
I guess I had better get busy and try to at least put away the stuff I brought home from the quilt store.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Happy Birthday to ME

Today I turn 61. I can remenber a time when I thought 30 was old now I am way over that and so are my children.
I have been working on a few things. A Thanksgiving wall hanging for the store. I read the book "Aloha Quilts" and fell in love with the way they are made so I have started one of those. I am also knitting a hat and fingerless gloves for Mike. Yes it does get cold here in the winter.
My shoulder is doing better but due to some staph infections that I can't seem to get rid of I have not been able to continue my PT. I have been on antibiatics off and on for the last 2+ months and they are totally kicking my butt. They finally started me on one for Mersa and it has done the trick and I am starting to feel better.
We are having a lot of rain here, usually in the afternoon and evenings. Still in the 90's during the day so I don't go out side much. It just wears me down.
We are hopefully going to go to Ohio for Thanksgiving. I am so looking forward to it.
Well that is alll for now I will post some new pixs when I get something finished.
Have a wonderful day everyone!